Biology 34

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Observe & Measure

Topic (34) Use math about ecosystem capacity due to ecosystem scale. (HS-LS2-1)

The scientific method is reliant on unbiased observation and accurate and repeatable measurement of those observations. In everyday life, observing ,may be simply sitting still to watch and listen. In contrast, observing can be very active in science. Scientists and science students must continually make decisions how best to examine an object or situation.

For example, decisions might include whether to touch or smell something in an experiment. Observation alone is not sufficient to evaluate a given experiment. Measuring those observations is also important. A measurement is quantitative because it includes a number. However, a number alone is not a measurement. A measurement must also include a unit. For example, temperature can be measured using several scales.

STUDENT CHALLENGE: What units of measure are important to quantify the size (or, scale) of an ecosystem? How can an ecosystem be measured in terms of those units? How can math be used to calculate “capacity” of an ecosystem?



Day 1 – Introduction
Day 2 – Virtual Textbook

6:00 Inferences and observations

3:48 Measurements Biology

4:48 Measuring Biodiversity (Extra)

Instructor Resources

Standard Daily Material
  • Day 1 – Standard material – introduction day
  • Day 2 – Standard material – reading day
  • Day 3 – Standard material – make a presentation
  • Day 4 – Standard material – give a presentation
  • Extra! – Enrichment and remediation options
Other Topic Specific Resources
  • LS34 Addition by division (tns)
  • LS34 Significant figures (tns)
  • LS34 Unit converstion (tns)

Special Notes and Notices

Instructor Emphasis:

  • Science & Engineering Practice: Analyze and interpret data.
  • Cross-Cutting Concept: Scale, Proportion, and Quantity.

Emphasize HS-LS2-1  Use mathematical and/or computational representations to support explanations of factors that affect carrying capacity of ecosystems at different scales.

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