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End-of-Year Summary
Physical science encompasses the study of non-living things, such as chemistry, geology, astronomy, and physics. Throughout this course, students have been introduced to and reinforced concepts related to matter, electricity, energy, light and sound, Earth as a planet, our Solar System, and the known universe. It’s a comprehensive array of topics! As we wrap up this module with the theme “end-of-year summary,” let’s take a moment to reflect. Students should take pride in the breadth of scientific subjects they have engaged with.
Day 1 – Introduction
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Day 2 – Virtual Textbook
- Read Physical 48 – 150 Facts in Physical Science
- Read Physical 48 – Word Problems
- Read Physical 48 – Encyclopedia Britannica
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17:14 All physics explained in 15 minutes
22:25 5th Grade Physical Science – Virtual Field Trip
1:18 Physical Science Grade 12 – Momentum