The Psychodynamic Perspective
  • The Role of the Unconscious
  • Psychosexual Theory of Development
  • Jungian Psychodynamics
  • Psychodynamics Today
The Behavioral Perspective
  • Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning
  • Watson’s “Little Albert” Experiment
  • Thorndike’s Law of Effect
  • Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
  • Behaviorism Today
The Cognitive Perspective
  • History of Cognitive Psychology
  • Early Roots
  • Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development


The Humanistic Perspective
  • Basic Principles of the Humanistic Perspective
  • Developments in Humanistic Psychology
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • Rogers’ Person-Centered Therapy
  • May’s Existentialism
The Socio-Cultural Perspective
  • Cultural Psychology
  • Vygotsky and Cultural-Historical Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • History of Social Psychology
The Biological Perspective
  • Overview of Biopsychology