Technique 10

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Reading Complex Text

Introduction: This topic provides practical ways to improve reading. In this science series (Honeycutt Science), almost every science topic includes the reading of a science text book. Usually, about 20-25 pages of assigned reading from a high school level science text book is part a topic. Science text books are generally laid-out similar to each other. Important concepts are described in chapters. The chapters are grouped together in a meaningful way. Within each chapter, there are key words – often highlighted in bold print. Also within each chapter, there are subheadings to introduce pieces of the overall concept in the chapter. Reading a science text book well requires many of the same skills as reading a book for fun. But, there are also some skills needed in reading a science text book which are not the same skills used during pleasure-reading.



  • 1:48 Reading Complex Text

    5:33 Teaching Text Structures for Non-Fiction Reading

    6:46 Reading and Thinking Like Scientists: Strategies for Making Meaning from Complex Scientific Text