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Dissection in Lab
Topic (38) Conduct investigation about homeostasis importance to living organisms. (HS-LS1-3)
Dissecting a frog is a common and important experience in introductory biology or anatomy.
Some students may feel intimidated at the thought of dissecting an animal. Even so, the learning experience is often profound. Most frog dissection labs involve a basic identification procedure. Students are required to open the frog, then identify the basic organs and systems of the frog. Students explore the anatomy of the animal then fill out a short lab report to accompany the project.
For the most part, dissection specimens are sterilized and safe, but it’s still very important to keep hands, eyes, and mouth free of the formaldehyde used to preserve the frogs for dissection.
Day 1 – Introduction
- Student Work Packet – Topic 38
- Lab 20 Dissection details
5:11 Human Body 101 | National Geographic
9:45 Organ Systems
- Wikihow How to dissect a frog
- Read Biology 38 – Frog
- Read Biology 38 – How to dissect a frog
- Read Biology 38 – Dissection project guide
- cK-12 document 04.06 scientific investigation
- LS38 Bell ringer: anatomical similarities in modern and fossil species
- LS38 No bones about it
Special Notes and Notices
Instructor Emphasis:
- Science & Engineering Practice: Ask questions and define problems.
- Cross-Cutting Concept: Structure and Function.
Emphasize HS-LS1-3 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the importance of maintaining homeostasis in living organisms.
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