Scientific Method
The scientific method is a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
A scientific law always applies under the same conditions, and implies that there is a causal relationship involving its elements. Laws differ from scientific theories in that they do not need to explain the reason for phenomena. Rather, scientific laws are merely distillations of the results of repeated observation. As such, a law is limited in applicability. A scientific law is limited to circumstances resembling those already observed. A scientific law may be found false when observed in a new situation. Similar to theories and hypotheses, laws make predictions. Also similar to theories and hypotheses, scientific laws can be falsified if they are found in contradiction with new data.
- Read scientific method. (
- Read Scientific law (
- Launch Scientific-Methodology. (
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- Launch Experiment Template
4:24 The Scientific Method: Steps, Terms and Examples
4:30 Animated Science. Episode 1. The Scientific Method.
7:11 Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law… EXPLAINED!
Instructors: While the scientific method remains an important discipline for high school science students to know and apply, there is a general trend toward the use of phenomena as an alternative way to engage students in science. In particular, “The new vision for science education features a three dimensional view of learning that involves: science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. To engage students in authentic scientific experiences in these 3-dimensions, phenomena plays a key role in having students work to figure out core ideas in science. The phenomena that students should be working to explain will allow them to use these core ideas to help explain things in the natural world.” (pdf link)