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Welcome to Chemistry
This introductory topic presents a broad overview of chemistry along with a summary of this curriculum. Knowledge of chemistry is useful to almost everyone. Even if we are unaware of it, chemistry occurs all around us all of the time. An understanding and appreciation for chemistry is useful for a broad array of jobs and industries – from healthcare to business roles and even artists. Certainly, chemistry is at the forefront and center of many important aspects of our daily lives. Chemistry is involved with materials we use, energy sources we consume, control of diseases, food supply processes, medicines, and other aspects. Chemistry bridges across the other natural sciences. Chemistry’s relationship with life science, physics, as well as Earth and planetary sciences is evident to science students as they become familiar with the discipline of chemistry. In this set of topics, students will acquaint themselves with a new, microscopic world of wonder – they will identify ways to solve real-world problems – and perhaps most importantly, they will prepare themselves for their own future.
Lesson 1 (or “Day 1”) Material
Lesson 2 (or “Day 2”) Material
- Day 2 Instructor Presentation
- Day 2 Student Handout
- Day 2 Rubric
- Read Chem 11 – Chemistry and Industry
- Read Chem 11 – Chemistry is Industry
- Read Chem 11 – What is Chemistry
Lesson 3 (or “Day 3”) Material
Lesson 4 (or “Day 4”) Material
3:44 Introduction to Chemistry
4:00 Introduction to Chemistry with Hank xxx
2:28 What Are Five Branches of Chemistry? : Chemistry Lessons
Compare Contrast and Debate
Background: Academic standards are used to guide teachers in their instruction and students in their learning endeavors.
- Position A: All states should adopt identical academic standards for chemistry.
- Position B: Each state should create its own academic standards for chemistry.
Resources Documents and Links
- Write a letter– Welcome to Chemistry
- Wikibooks – High School Chemistry (see NOTE.1 below)
- Wikipedia – Science Education
Notes and Notices
Instructor Emphasis:
- Science & Engineering Practice: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information.
- Cross-Cutting Concept: Energy and Matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation.
NOTE.1. The downloadable book/chapters available at this link were originally developed by the CK-12 Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market both in the U.S. and worldwide. This textbook has been designed to meet California and U.S. standards. The material is not current as CK-12 now has a “no commercial use” license that is incompatible with Wikibooks. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License and was adapted from CK-12