Biology 37

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Dissection Preparation

One reason frogs are often chosen to be dissected is that their bodies provide a good overview of the organ systems of a complex living thing.

The organs present in a frog, and the way they are laid out in the body, are similar enough to humans to provide insight for students about how their bodies work.

Frogs and humans each possess a circulatory system. A difference though is that frogs have a three-chambered heart, with two atria and one ventricle compared to the human’s two atria and two ventricles. Other similarities between frogs and humans are the digestive and respiratory systems.


Day 1 – Introduction
Day 2 – Virtual Textbook

5:10 Earthworm: nervous system

3:32 Frog Dissection Part 1

4:56 Morphology and Digestive System of Frog 512 1

Instructor Resources

Standard Daily Material
  • Day 1 – Standard material – introduction day
  • Day 2 – Standard material – reading day
  • Day 3 – Standard material – make a presentation
  • Day 4 – Standard material – give a presentation
  • Extra! – Enrichment and remediation options
Other Topic Specific Resources

Special Notes and Notices

Instructor Emphasis:

  • Science & Engineering Practice: Plan and conduct investigations.
  • Cross-Cutting Concept: Structure and Function.

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