A, B, or Both

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Before looking through these questions, it is important to recognize that various psychology disciplines overlap. To illustrate think about teachers, engineers, pilots, and gardeners.

Math teachers are best at teaching math, but could for example teach history. The skill of classroom instruction and classroom management applies to both.

A mechanical engineer often knows a lot about industrial equipment but could solve basic electrical engineering problems. Almost all engineers have coursework in physics – including mechanical and electrical topics.

Some pilots specialize in a particular type of aircraft. For example a Cessna 408 SkyCourier and De Haviland DHC-6-400 Twin Otter are similar in many ways. Pilots for one or the other could probably fly the other plane with some instruction.

Last a gardner specializing in vegatables could use that same skill for ornamental trees and flowers.

Different disciplines in psychology do not have strict boundaries and “boxes” around them. Psychology is a big subject with a lot of overlap.

What is the largest group of psychologists in the United States?

American Psychological Association (APA)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Correct Answer: A. American Psychological Association (APA)


Which field of psychology studies how people learn in school?

Educational Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Correct Answer: Both. Educational Psychology studies children in an educational setting and is concerned with teaching and learning methods. Some aspects of Developmental Psychology (e.g., cognitive) deal with this subject also.


What is the scientific home of thousands of leading psychological science researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students worldwide?

American Psychological Association (APA)

Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Correct Answer: Both, but the Association for Psychological Science (APS) describes itself as science researchers. The best answer is B.


What is the role of school psychologists in student success?

Conducting comprehensive assessments of students’ academic performance

Helping businesses make better ads

Correct Answer: A. Conducting comprehensive assessments of students’ academic performance


What is the part of psychology that helps businesses make better ads?

Social Psychology

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Correct Answer: Both of these disciplines could contribute. Industrial and Organizational Psychology deals with business issues including group and team facilitation. Social psychology emphasizes social interactions that could be helpful with developing an advertisement. Both disciplines understand human motivation.


What do all types of psychology want to do?

Make people feel worse

Help people by making them feel better, helping them learn, or improving their work

Correct Answer: B. Help people by making them feel better, helping them learn, or improving their work


What is the study of how people learn in school called?

Social Psychology

Educational Psychology

Correct Answer: mostly B. Educational Psychology, except that other psychology disciplines including Social Psychology contribute to this subject.


What is the role of school counselors with psychology degrees?

Analyzing data to identify students’ needs and collaborating with families, teachers, and school leaders to promote success

Conducting comprehensive assessments of school staff mental health

Correct Answer: A. Analyzing data to identify students’ needs and collaborating with families, teachers, and school leaders to promote success


Which field of psychology helps people with their feelings and mental health?

Clinical Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Correct Answer: A. Clinical Psychology


What is the Association for Psychological Science (APS) dedicated to?

Advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders

Helping businesses make better ads

Correct Answer: A. Advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders


What is the role of school psychologists in helping kids with behavioral and learning problems?

Conducting comprehensive assessments of students’ academic performance

Providing valuable guidance to teachers and parents and devising strategies to enhance students’ learning outcomes

Correct Answer: School Psychologists can perform both of these crucial roles


What group of professionals usually take at least some of their college classes in psychology or even have an advanced degree in psychology?

Educators, social workers, healthcare workers, counselors, and consultants

Teachers, school psychologists, counselors, and administrators

Correct Answer: A and B. Most BS/BA programs have one required (or, elective) course in psychology.


What is the part of psychology that studies how people drive?

Social Psychology

Traffic Psychology

Correct Answer: Mostly B. Traffic Psychology, but Social Psychology could be a correct answer also.


What is the part of psychology that allows lawyers to answer legal questions using psychology?

Forensic Psychology

Traffic Psychology

Correct Answer: A. Forensic Psychology unless a case involves a roadway or accident then the answer might be B. Traffic psychology.


What is the name of the APA division that studies Industrial and Organizational Psychology?

Division 7 (Developmental Psychology)

Division 14 (the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology)

Correct Answer: B. Division 14 abbrevated as SIOP


What is the name of the APA division that studies Developmental Psychology?

Division 7

Division 14

Correct Answer: A. Division 7


What is the part of psychology that studies media psychology and technology?

Social Psychology

Media Psychology and Technology

Correct Answer: Mostly this is B. Media Psychology and Technology but Social Psychology can also contribute to these studies.


What is the scientific research-based psychology that examines how our we learn?

Educational Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Correct Answer: A. Educational Psychology


What is the role of school psychologists in providing guidance to teachers and parents?

Conducting comprehensive assessments of teacher’s classroom performance

Providing valuable guidance to teachers and parents

Correct Answer: B. Providing valuable guidance to teachers and parents

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