22. Personal Well-Being Psychology

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Treatment Plans

Health psychology studies how biology, behavior, and social surroundings affect health. Health psychologists work with medical professionals to help people stay healthy and follow their treatment plans. They use techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy and behavior modification to help patients, believing that mental health is closely connected to physical health.

Scan the chapter on “Happiness” and look at the chart with three types of happiness.

Mental Health

Taking care of both our minds and bodies is important for our overall health. Different types of psychology, like clinical psychology, counseling psychology, medical psychology, and health psychology, all work together to help people feel better.


Counseling psychology helps people manage stress and feel better. Counseling psychology improves overall wellness. Counseling psychology is a type of psychology that helps people improve their well-being and manage stress. It focuses on an individual’s strengths, relationships, education, career development, and personality and uses scientific findings to find the right treatment for their clients.

Clinical Work

Clinical psychology helps improve mental health. Clinical psychology is a type of therapy that helps people feel better mentally and emotionally. Clinical psychologists may do research, teach, or work in different jobs. They work with individuals, families, or small groups to talk about problems, and find new ways to think, feel, or act.


Medical psychology is a type of psychology that helps people with both physical and mental disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors that can conduct psychotherapy. It uses different methods to help improve a patient’s health. Medical psychologists are unique because they can prescribe medication to help treat mental illness.





How is clinical psychology different from counseling psychology in the way it helps people with mental health problems?

How does health psychology differ from medical psychology in treating physical and mental disorders?

How do different fields of psychology overlap, and how can they work together to help people with mental and physical health issues?

Health and Well-Being

Health psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how different factors like biology, behavior, and social surroundings can affect a person’s health. Health psychologists work with medical professionals to help people stay healthy and follow their treatment plans. They believe that mental health is closely connected to physical health and that by taking care of our mental health, we can also take care of our physical health.

One of the most important things health psychologists do is to help patients follow their treatment plans. They know that it can be difficult to stick to a treatment plan, especially when it involves things like taking medicine or making lifestyle changes. Health psychologists use techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy and behavior modification to help patients stay on track and make positive changes in their lives.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that helps people change negative patterns of thinking and behavior. Behavior modification is a type of therapy that uses rewards and positive reinforcement to encourage people to make positive changes. Health psychologists may also help patients manage stress and cope with chronic illnesses like diabetes or cancer.

Overall, health psychology is an important field that helps people take care of both their mental and physical health. By working with medical professionals and using techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy and behavior modification, health psychologists help patients stay healthy and follow their treatment plans.

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