Biology 13

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Content Connections

There are overlapping concepts between biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and other subjects. Throughout this curriculum, students are encouraged to identify connections of concepts to things they already know … as well as connections to things-learned in previous science classes or other subject areas.


Day 1 – Introduction
Day 2 – Virtual Textbook

2:10 Collaboration across disciplines in higher grades

7:28 Earth and Environmental Science

6:20 Basic Chemistry for Biology, Part 1: Atoms

Compare Contrast and Debate

Debate Option

Background: Sometimes science is categorized into the “Hard Sciences” and “Soft Sciences.” These expressions correspond to natural science (hard) and social science (soft). Introductory courses in natural science (such as biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science) exclude mention of soft science. For example, introductory biology courses only barely include information about human and animal behavior (which would generally be viewed as a “soft science”).

  • Position A: Courses dealing with natural science (the “hard sciences”) should EXCLUDE ideas and information about social science (the “soft sciences”).
  • Position B: Courses dealing with natural science (the “hard sciences”) should INCLUDE ideas and information about social science (the “soft sciences”).

Instructor Resources

Standard Daily Material
  • Day 1 – Standard material – introduction day
  • Day 2 – Standard material – reading day
  • Day 3 – Standard material – make a presentation
  • Day 4 – Standard material – give a presentation
  • Extra! – Enrichment and remediation options
Other Topic Specific Resources

Special Notes and Notices

Instructor Emphasis:

  • Science & Engineering Practice: Develop and use models.
  • Cross-Cutting Concept: Patterns.

The Crosscutting Concepts represent common threads or themes that span across science disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, Earth/space science) and have value to both scientists and engineers because they identify universal properties and processes found in all disciplines.

There are seven crosscutting concepts:

  1. Patterns
  2. Cause and Effect: Mechanisms and explanations
  3. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
  4. Systems and System Models
  5. Energy and Matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
  6. Structure and Function
  7. Stability and Change

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