Chemistry 41

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Properties of Solids

Most solids contain mixtures of various components. Some naturally occurring solids are almost pure substances. Crystalline solids in particular are explored in this topic. There are three categories of crystalline solids: ionic, molecular, and atomic. Table salt (NaCl) is an example of an ionic solid. Frozen water (frozen H2O) is a great example of a molecular solid. A pure diamond is and example of a solid made from only one type of atom – carbon (C). Several careers-types require a deep understanding of the properties of solids. Some examples of these include material scientists, metallurgical engineers, and crystallographers.

Lesson 1 (or “Day 1”) Material
Lesson 2 (or “Day 2”) Material
Lesson 3 (or “Day 3”) Material
Lesson 4 (or “Day 4”) Material

2:23 What is Materials Science?

6:12 Aluminium – The Material That Changed The World

3:37 Scandium – A Metal that Produces STRANGE SOUNDS!


Compare Contrast and Debate

Definition of materials science: the scientific study of the properties and applications of materials of construction or manufacture (such as ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites). At most major universities, the study of materials science falls within the College of Engineering rather than the College of Arts and Sciences.

  • Position A: The placement of materials science within a College of Engineering makes sense.
  • Position B: The study of materials science would be better placed within a College of Arts & Sciences because its relationship of the subjects of chemistry, physics and mathematics.

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Notes and Notices

Instructor Emphasis:

  • Science & Engineering Practice: Ask questions and define problems.
  • Cross-Cutting Concept: Structure and Function.