21. Psychotherapy

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Talk Therapy for Wellness

Do you know someone worried, upset, or stressed out? Sometimes, these feelings can make it hard to do things people normally enjoy. Talk therapy, which is also called psychotherapy, is a way to help people feel better. There are different kinds of talk therapy, like behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, psychodynamic, and holistic therapy. A therapist can help someone figure out what’s causing their feelings and teach them new ways to handle situations. It’s okay to ask for help; talk therapy can be a great way to start feeling better.

Psychotherapy is a fancy word for counseling that helps people deal with their feelings and emotions. Therapists use different types of psychotherapy techniques to help people overcome their problems and lead happier lives. Psychotherapy is a process where a trained therapist helps with specific or general issues. Various professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors, offer psychotherapy.

Communication is the Key

While there are many different types of psychotherapy, they all share a common thread of communication and collaboration to solve problems. This inclusive approach is reflected in the diverse range of professionals who can offer psychotherapy, including counselors, psychologists, and nurses.

Examples of Struggles

Adjustment disorder

Anxiety disorder

Bipolar disorder


Eating disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Substance abuse or addiction

Don’t Label People

Note: While it is tempting to label people – DON’T. For example, avoid labeling someone as bipolar or as OCD. People can have bipolar disorder or OCD disorder. Having a disorder is different than “being” that disorder. SpongeBob might have the flu – but SpongeBob is not the flu. SpongeBob might have OCD – but SpongeBob is not OCD.

Don’t label people!

“Don’t label people,” says SpongeBob with a big smile on his face.

“We’re all different and that’s what makes us special!”

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