
Activities … Labs … Techniques … Theories … X-content>







Standard Topic Sequence
STEM Emphasized
English & Language Arts Emphasized

HS Quick-Class™ Material

21st Century Skills Activities
Practice Tests

HS Cross-Curriculum Activities

Advanced Assignments


Full List of Activities (Many are in the Idea Stage Only)

Standard Topic Sequence
STEM Emphasized
English & Language Arts Emphasized

HS Quick-Class™ Material

21st Century Skills Activities
Practice Tests

HS Cross-Curriculum Activities

Quick Substitute Work

Advanced Assignments

Special Notes

This site offers FREE flexible-to-use, ready-made classroom material. Activities listed below integrate with our core-topics.  The activities provide flexibility, variety, and enrichment to the core science concepts of a topic. Activities are often interchangeable within a given topic. For example, an instructor might choose Write an Opinion Paper (Activity #16) for a particular topic – but then choose Cross-Cutting Concepts (Activity #21) for the following week’s work.

  • Activities are ALTERNATIVE WAYS to present the content.
  • Techniques are PREREQUISITE SKILLS needed for academic excellence.

Idea/Suggestion: Print these assignments for planned or unplanned instructor absences. Many of these are similar in format and execution to the core subject areas. These vary from the core subjects in that often the material is sufficiently applicable to all four core subjects. These assignments and material can help minimize the complexity of providing substitute teachers with suitable work for multiple (and differing) class sessions.

In some instances assignments and material in this section of might be viewed as “extra” – to add variety, to provide substitute teacher material, or even bell-ringer material. While some activities look-and-feel like a typical topic in a core subject area – others diverge from this approach. Many of these activities are useful to print as bell ringers, exit tickets, make-up work, or in-school suspension assignments.