Cross-Content Topics



  1. Ask questions and define problems
  2. Develop and use models
  3. Plan and conduct investigations
  4. Analyze and interpret data
  5. Use mathematical and computational thinking
  6. Construct explanations and design solutions
  7. Engage in scientific argument from evidence
  8. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information

The Crosscutting Concepts represent common threads or themes that span across science disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, Earth/space science) and have value to both scientists and engineers because they identify universal properties and processes found in all disciplines.

Seven crosscutting concepts:

  1. Patterns
  2. Cause and Effect: Mechanisms and explanations
  3. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
  4. Systems and System Models
  5. Energy and Matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
  6. Structure and Function
  7. Stability and Change

Analyze and interpret data

Ask questions and define problems

Construct explanations and design solutions

  • Biology Topics 43 46 47
  • Physical Science Topics 25 34 45
  • Earth Science Topics 28 36 39
  • Chemistry Topics  22  28  46

Develop and use models




Engage in scientific argument from evidence

Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information

  • Biology Topics 33 39
  • Physical Science Topics 21 24 41
  • Earth Science Topics 14 27 37
  • Chemistry Topics  11  14  38

Plan and conduct investigations

Use mathematical and computational thinking

Cause and Effect: Mechanisms and explanations

Energy and Matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation


  • Biology Topics 13 31 36
  • Physical Science Topics 15 41 45
  • Earth Science Topics 21 32
  • Chemistry Topics  14  15  17  25  36

Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

Stability and Change

Structure and Function

Systems and System Models


About this Page

This web site provides free-to-use curriculum for high school teachers, students, and parent-guardians. Not all topics, concepts, and principles fit neatly within a single science discipline. For example, emphasis of 21st Century Skills (communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking) apply to all of the natural sciences. We have divided our cross-cutting content into categories as grouped and described below.


This web site provides free-to-use science curriculum for high school teachers, students, and parent-guardians. Quickly scan available topics for biologychemistryearth sciencephysical science, and psychology. Discover more about John Honeycutt, creator of Honeycutt Science.

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